OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) is an online community that focuses on improving the security aspects of web apps.

Security has become an NFR of paramount importance of late due to the amount of data collected by various products/apps and the vulnerabilities that are being exploited by hackers for theft of data. Offered in a roll of 100 self-adhesive labels in bright flourescent orange/red coloring at. Choose from thousands of designs or make your own today! Winterization Labels provide a clear indication that winterization has been performed by placing a convenient sticker either on toilet wrap or other visible area. Get your hands on great customizable Winterized stickers from Zazzle. Business Interruption Grants Program (BIG) Applications for a second round of funding are set to go live Sept. Eligible restaurants can apply to receive a $5,000 grant to help cover winterization expenses such as the cost of heating equipment, additional safety materials to improve indoor dining, and more.